The parish council has a chair and vice-chair elected by council members at the Annual Meeting of the Council, usually in May. At the same meeting, members will also elect candidates to serve on various council committees and outside bodies.

Committees of the Council

The council currently delegates certain business to five committees: Finance, Planning, Play Areas and Open Spaces, Redhouse Community Centre and Staffing.

Each committee has formal Terms of Reference which outline the business it is authorised to consider. At the appointment of individual committees, and at each annual council meeting thereafter, the council resolves to bestow a certain amount of delegated authority to enable committees to make legal decisions without subsequent ratification by the full council. This reduces bureaucracy and streamlines the decision-making process.

However, there are certain items of business, such as approval of the annual return or a decision to spend from reserves, that must be formally approved by the whole council and which will be referred should such an occasion arise at committee.




Chair: Emma Faramarzi

The Planning Committee meet to consider all planning applications in the parish. Comments are sent to the Borough Council as part of their consultation procedure.



Vice-Chair: Jake Chandler



The Staffing Committee is responsible for all staffing matters for the Council and includes all training and development matters, including for elected Members. The Committee is also responsible for all Health & Safety issues and the relevant required risk assessments.


Redhouse Community Centre

Chair: Paul Morris

The Redhouse Community Centre (RCC) Committee is responsible for all matters in relation to the management of the community hall including preparation of policies and procedures.


Grounds Maintenance/Play Parks

Chair: Steve Heyes

The Grounds Maintenance Committee is responsible for all matters in relation to the management of the grounds maintenance including preparation of policies and procedures.


Youth Committee

Chair: Kola Beyioku


Committee Membership 23/24

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