Over the past eighteen months St Andrews Parish Council have been developing a strategy to increase wildflower species growing in the parish as well as creating areas for residents and visitors to enjoy. We are now pleased to let you know the results.

The first area was at the top of Diamond Jubilee Park, chosen because it was tucked away yet also near projects occurring in Tadpole Garden Village and other surrounding areas by Wiltshire Wildlife Trust. The area was left uncut and untouched throughout the growing season, allowing native plants to grow creating a pollinator pathway – linking up different areas, allowing wildlife to travel between them accessing food and shelter and spreading pollen. Every three weeks an inner pathway was maintained creating an attractive walk though for the local community.

Diamond Jubliee Park Pollinator Pathway

Before the annual cut and collection in Autumn, our Grounds Maintenance Manager went up to survey the area. The parish council is excited to report that many native plants were found - cow parsley, common hogweed, chamomile, field bindweed and even a couple of bee orchids.

Flower 4

From April 2021, further areas in the parish were added to the plan, including natural habitat areas and additional plants have been spotted including Moon daisies, pyramid orchids, speedwell, herb robert (wild geranium), cowslips as well as common ragwort.

Flower 5

There will be some small additions to the plan in 2022 and the parish council will monitor the areas and evaluate the effects of this management plan before making any further changes.

Now you know what has been growing in the parish please enjoy spotting them in the open spaces. Don’t forget you can set up your own pollinator pathway which can be anything from a flowerpot, a tree, a wildlife bath/pond to a patch in your garden all free from pesticides.