Please find below a report from Swindon Borough Council's Grounds Supervisor to Director of Operations.

I have been trying to telephone Cllr Tomlinson but unfortunately she is quite busy on the phone – I will keep trying though. In the meantime I have had a quick site meeting with the Grounds Manager for St. Andrews. The site is as I remembered it – waterlogged and the Grounds Manager has informed me that all of the equipment training equipment has failed an independent safety inspection two years in a row. Due to the wet nature of the ground the plinths that the equipment are based on are now raised above the soil line and most present significant trip hazards. The Grounds Manager reports that the exercise equipment is rarely used. The exercise equipment is non salvageable on removal.

In conclusion I think that the exercise equipment would need to be removed anyway whether the parish use that area as a depot/storage site or not. However I will be suggesting to Cllr Tomlinson that the parish could possibly finance new equipment to be placed in a more suitable area as I am concerned that, despite the Grounds Manager's assurances, the equipment is rarely used there may be complaints if the equipment is removed but not replaced.